Comments on: Tim Tebow Jacksonville Story
Tim Tebow fan zone and football live streamingWed, 04 Apr 2012 15:39:28 +0000hourly1 kely
kelyTue, 28 Jul 2009 13:22:43 +0000 gotta love Timmy!aww gotta love Timmy!
]]>By: Pat
PatWed, 15 Jul 2009 18:05:43 +0000 have a similar story about Tim. My adult son was at a 4-H conference in St. Johns County speaking to a man next to him. His son was at Shands Hospital, Gainesville. Tim and Meyer came to see the boy who loved basketball. They promised to get him tickets to a game. The boy said he couldn't walk up steps and Tim said he would carry him. The dad told my son, "I'm not a Gator fan. I am a Tim Tebow fan."I have a similar story about Tim. My adult son was at a 4-H conference in St. Johns County speaking to a man next to him. His son was at Shands Hospital, Gainesville. Tim and Meyer came to see the boy who loved basketball. They promised to get him tickets to a game. The boy said he couldn’t walk up steps and Tim said he would carry him. The dad told my son, “I’m not a Gator fan. I am a Tim Tebow fan.”
]]>By: Jordan
JordanSun, 05 Jul 2009 01:01:49 +0000 Tim Tebow never ceases to amaze me.Wow. Tim Tebow never ceases to amaze me.
]]>By: Caroline
CarolineThu, 02 Jul 2009 01:29:29 +0000 that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard!!! Tim is such a good guy!Awhh that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard!!! Tim is such a good guy!