More Tim Tebow Fan Letters Before Spring Football

Spring Football starts this week, so I may start moving away from the fan stories and go back to covering what is happening with Tim Tebow on the field. But for today, I have two more short fan letters. The first one comes from a young lady in Wisconsin and the second letter is from a non-football fan in Tampa. Enjoy!

Tim Tebow is amazing! I’m a Wisconsinite and saw him accepting his Heisman on ESPN and couldn’t believe his great speech. From then on, I have listened to interviews, watched games, etc. He is a great guy on and off the field! It is so rare to find a football player(especially his age) that has his head on straight spiritually. He is very humble about all his accomplishments and doesn’t take credit for anything but gives it all to God, hes a great guy.

Ashley B.


Dear Tim:

Greetings from Tampa! I’ll put it out there now-I love sports, but football isn’t one of them. Yet one fated day in 2008 I saw the Heisman ceremony on TV. Normally, I would have changed the channel but stopped when I saw your video being played. I was so touched by it and after that night had to find out who you were.

Despite my shaky knowledge I watched your ‘08 season. My favorite moment had to be the Ole Miss game, not because of the loss, but because of your now famous “pledge”. Instead of making excuses, you apologized for your actions and made a promise to stand and deliver the rest of the season. It was truly electric to see that and was happy when you won the championship, because you and the team worked so hard for it. I admire the most what you’ve done and continue to do off-the-field as well as your strong faith. You’re truly an inspiration and I wish you nothing but the best, God bless.

Carmen C.

If you would like to share a Tim Tebow fan letter, please contact us.

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3 Responses to “More Tim Tebow Fan Letters Before Spring Football”

  1. Caroline says:

    I totally agree with these people!!! Tim is such a great humble guy!!!! It is hard to find a great foootball player like him who is so humble!!! Usually their so conceded and their still in college!!! I love Timmy:))

  2. I think you are the most inspirational player I have ever seen, like what you said after the loss against Mississipi State. You are extremely motivated, and I look up to you.

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