Tim Tebow is an Inspiration

It’s the offseason and you know what that means. Time for more Tim Tebow fan mail. Today’s message comes from Ken (for those of you knew here, I always change the name of the person for privacy reasons).

Dear Tim,

You’re such an inspiration to me and my family. Being a christian myself I think it’s really cool that you go to the Phillipines and jail facilities. Do other guys on you’re team do the great things you do? The coolest thing about you is when after a big game you’re all pumped up. You’re my favorite college and future NFL player. I play football too, I’m a free safety, I just hope I can be as good as you are. Tell the team that I am Florida fan #1!

Well Ken, yes the other players on the team do great things in the community… they just aren’t nationally publicized like Tim’s are. The players put on clinics for local kids and visit hospitals to name a few.

If you’d like to submit a fan letter or story about Tim Tebow, please contact us and we’ll gladly post it. We get a lot of mail though, so please be patient.

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7 Responses to “Tim Tebow is an Inspiration”

  1. Caroline says:

    Awwwe how sweet!!! I feel the same way!!!! Tim is such a sweetheart!!!!!!

  2. Brianna says:

    that is really cool. i totaly feel the same way except for the fact that im a 12 year old girl that looks up to Tebow for everything and i think I’M FLORIDA FAN #1! haha

  3. i really enjoy reading the fan mail. hopefully tebow comes back next year with a lot of improvement to.

  4. Cath says:

    he is such an awesome guy!!!! Pray for him!!

  5. Caroline says:

    I am definately the #1 Tim Tebow fan…ever!!!

  6. Mrs.LinzyTebow says:

    yea i dnt think so hun…last time someone said tht, we got in a little fight..so yea…im Timmy’s #1 fan…the dude at Tebowzone..like the editor even knows tht..so yeah… I LOVE YOU BABE (Timmy)

  7. Caroline says:

    Mhmmmm…. I could definately spit out wayyyy more facts than you little miss linzy!!! So don’t be frontin’ sista!!! And yeah I saw that little fight and I am not scared of you so go ahead…fight me…I am up for a war!!! So we shall see who truly is the #1 fan!!!

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