Comments on: National Signing Day 2009 Tim Tebow, Florida Gator Football Mon, 18 Jan 2010 13:16:28 -0500 hourly 1 By: Brianna Brianna Sat, 14 Feb 2009 05:28:50 +0000 If i even got to go to the University of Florida i would be ecstatic to meet Tim Tebow. Yes I am sorta obsessed but not because he plays for the gators or because he's hot but because he is my hero. He is my inspiration in everything i do and to meet him would mean the world to me If i even got to go to the University of Florida i would be ecstatic to meet Tim Tebow. Yes I am sorta obsessed but not because he plays for the gators or because he’s hot but because he is my hero. He is my inspiration in everything i do and to meet him would mean the world to me

By: Caroline Caroline Sun, 08 Feb 2009 00:36:27 +0000 Mann if I were a recruit I would be going insane just to meet tim tebow and that's not just cuz I'm obsessed with him:))) Mann if I were a recruit I would be going insane just to meet tim tebow and that’s not just cuz I’m obsessed with him:)))
