There isn’t a team in the country that wouldn’t want Tim Tebow on their roster… but at the right tackle position? Tim’s a strong guy, but I can’t see him packing 320+ pounds.
During the Orange Bowl yesterday, Fox screwed up and put Tim Tebow’s picture in place of senior right tackle Khalil El-Amin of the Cincinnati Bearcats.
No word yet on how many sacks he gave up…
OMG HOW DARE THEY!!!!!!!!!! TIMMY IS OBVIOUSLY WAY BETTER THAN HIM!!! ( and hotter and prob gives WAYYYYYYY better hugs) hehe
you know you love me here!
hahahah man o man lol… is there the video online anywhere?
Tim Tebow is really amazing.
He is such a big part of the GATOR’S and that’s why I love him so much.
Not only does he give the GATOR’S A chance to WIN.
but also give’s the women a chance to wish.