Comments on: The Smack Talk Begins Tim Tebow Denver Broncos - Tim Tebow Fans Fri, 17 Feb 2012 16:23:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brianna Brianna Thu, 29 Jan 2009 22:21:04 +0000 it makes me sooooo mad how Sam Bradford won the heisman! out there when we were playin them for the BCS he obviously had no clue what he was doing! he kept lookin around like an idiot! and Colt McCoy ain't no better! Colt McCoy thinks he is all that when he aint nothin compared to Tebow! But it doesn't matter cause Tebow said it himself after the we won the SEC... he said his main focus was winning the BCS and that the he had already won the Heisman so it the only trophy that mattered to him was the BCS. and WE WON! so Sam Bradford and Colt McCoy and both of their teams can go suck on it! it makes me sooooo mad how Sam Bradford won the heisman! out there when we were playin them for the BCS he obviously had no clue what he was doing! he kept lookin around like an idiot! and Colt McCoy ain’t no better! Colt McCoy thinks he is all that when he aint nothin compared to Tebow! But it doesn’t matter cause Tebow said it himself after the we won the SEC… he said his main focus was winning the BCS and that the he had already won the Heisman so it the only trophy that mattered to him was the BCS. and WE WON! so Sam Bradford and Colt McCoy and both of their teams can go suck on it!

By: Emily Emily Wed, 14 Jan 2009 02:26:21 +0000 It ticks me off; Sam Bradford didn't really deserve his Heisman...did you see him looking around like an idiot for a place to throw the ball? Whatever, we still have the bigger trophy... What now FAGford? It ticks me off; Sam Bradford didn’t really deserve his Heisman…did you see him looking around like an idiot for a place to throw the ball? Whatever, we still have the bigger trophy…

What now FAGford?

By: Mrs.LinzyTebow Mrs.LinzyTebow Wed, 07 Jan 2009 23:37:33 +0000 omg i hate this stuff. they are just jealous of his awesomeness so they talk smack omg i hate this stuff. they are just jealous of his awesomeness so they talk smack

By: TEBOWlady TEBOWlady Tue, 06 Jan 2009 20:47:34 +0000 Check out the Tebow EyeBlack !! Check out the Tebow EyeBlack !!

By: Sarah Sarah Tue, 06 Jan 2009 18:48:02 +0000 After what I saw during the Fiesta Bowl, I can not understand how Colt McCoy came in 2nd. I'm not say this as a Tebow/Florida fan. Colt doesn't seem to be as good as what Tim is. Maybe that's just my opinion! After what I saw during the Fiesta Bowl, I can not understand how Colt McCoy came in 2nd. I’m not say this as a Tebow/Florida fan. Colt doesn’t seem to be as good as what Tim is. Maybe that’s just my opinion!
