Archive for December, 2008

Letter to Tebow From a Soldier

We get a lot of fan mail for Tim Tebow. I try to read every one of them. Some I respond to,and some I don’t. This one came just a few days ago from a student at Mississippi State, a rival SEC School.Once again, I changed the name to protect his identity. Mr. Tebow you [...]

Tim Tebow 2008 Highlights

Tim Tebow had yet another amazing 2008 season. The Gators aren’t finished yet… they still have the BCS Championship Game in just about 10 days. Someone put together a cool highlight video though in preparation for the Heisman. Even though Tim didn’t win, the video is a great recap of Tebow’s season. It starts off [...]

Fan Letters Continued

I am so behind on the fan email for Tim Tebow it’s not even funny. There are over 200 emails in my inbox, and I’m slowly going through them all one by one. Here are a few of the more recent ones. Just a couple of congratulations, thank yous, etc. From Nathan: Proud of your [...]

Tim Tebow vs. Mel Kiper Jr.

This story seems to be getting a lot of play on the local radio stations, so I wanted to write a quick post about it on here to fill in those Tim Tebow fans who maybe haven’t heard it. Last week, Mel Kiper Jr (the ESPN “Draft Expert”) had Tim Tebow on his radio show. [...]

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