As you watch Tim Tebow during Gator games, you’ve probably seen his eye black is not the same eye black that other players wear. Inscribed on Tim’s eye black are Phil (under his right eye) and 4:13 (under his left eye).
Phillippians 4:13 is a piece of scripture from the Bible. It has several translations, some of which include:
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
I can do all these things in him who strengtheneth me.
But you can see what it pretty much means. It’s a perfectsaying for a football player with faith.
What’s your take on Tim Tebow wearing this during the games. I imagine it doesn’t bother most people, but some may see it as a way he’s differing himself from the team.
To the person that said your stupid football and stupid god don’t go together, YOUR the one that is STUPID!! God is with a capitol G idiot!! Go Tim Tebow! You are an awesome man on and off the feild. I have the utermost respect for you. As for the person who made the remarks about stupid God, when you are burning in hell for eternity you will remember those words uttered out of your mouth. How dare you say something like that! Do you realize that after the championship game last year over one million people googled the Bible verse John 3:16!! Maybe you ought to look it up. You are nothing but a coward. Tim Tebow is a hero and a wonderful role model!!
YOU ARE THE STUPID ONE making disrespectful comment about our God almighty!!
TEBOW is such a great christian man! I am certainly not a gators fan. BUT I am a Tebow fan. I love that Tebow is not ashamed of his faith. And he has such a great testimony! I am certainly not afraid to stand up to what I believe, because my Lord and savior was surely not! Tim Tebow is the best quarterback in college right now and he makes college football exciting. If there was no Tebow right now who would there be to watch?
Tim Tebow is the biggest fraud in the history of college sports. Not only is he a product of the system on the field….he’ll be carrying a clipboard the rest of his football career because he’s just not a good QB. Off the field, he’s an attention starved twat who needs to bring his personal beliefs and push them on everyone. He knows his face gets shown 100 times a game and that’s why he wears those verses….not because they give him strength or whatever other excuses you bible thumpers make up for him. If someone wrote, “Atheism Rules”, you Christian freaks would lose it.
Who gives a f*ck about his sex life u guys r losers
This verse would have been great for today Matthew 8:31
The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.”
Tim is a talented athlete and I’m sure he believes in his faith. But, I think he has been brainwashed by his father and his faith. And, he’s hiding something. All his talk about religion and being a virgin? The phrase “ye doth protest too much” comes to mind…
I’m just sayin…
When a rapper with convictions thanks god for his Grammy, what do you think then?
Tim Tebow is an amazing man. I love that he is not ashamed of the gospel. I think that he is very brave for choosing to show his faith knowing that he will be opposed every step of the way. He is living for God on and off the field and giving God the glory. God has given him a huge platform and Tim has been using it to bring glory to God. He is someone I look up to as a person and a Christian. God Bless Tim!! And Go GATORS!
I personally know Tim. He is a respectable, amazing young man. (I’m 22 also, so I guess he’s not young to me) Anything nice that is said about him is true to the core. I have found a great friend in him. I believe that most of you that decide to bash him, and write negative things don’t know him, or have ever had a conversation with him? He does not go around talking about being a virgin to the media, this question was asked, and he gave an answer. He did not bring up the topic, and is very embarrased when it is asked. As far as his faith goes, nobody is asking you to google his eyeblack verses, and nobody is asking you to pay attention to what he says about his Lord and Savior. Let Tim live his life faithfully to the Lord, and respect his decisions as he would DEF respect yours. Gator fan or not, you gotta love that boy. And as far as being “brainwashed” by Bob (his dad), you can’t find a nicer family then the Tebow’s, and Bob walks the walk, and talks the talk. Amazing man that has raised wonderful children that not only love the Lord, but all people they come into contact with. I respect them for being selfess, and dedicating their lifes to others.
Isn’t this verse just giving glory to God? Isn’t that the same thing hundreds of players do when they point to the heavens after a touchdown, homerun, etc.? Not only is it perfectly acceptable, it’s admirable.
For those of you that don’t believe in Jesus, you better start. Not everyone lives to be 80. And if you die in a car accident tomorrow, you ain’t gonna like the weather in the afterlife.
First, Please stop calling him Tim or Timmy like you know him personally and you’re all close friends. Second, and just for the record I believe in the Creator of all things just NOT establised religion. Most have it twisted. And third, Mr Tebow has every right to wear what ever he wants on his face because it’s just that…HIS Face. Its is one thing to shout your faith from the mountain top in front of millions but its another to practice it behind closed doors.
Well, today he picked a phrase that’s appropriate for the the icing Alabama is laying on him and the Gators today: “In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer..” I don’t think anyone expected just how much tribulation McElroy, Ingraham and the Tide were going to deliver.
I can’t believe this is even a discussion. Leave the guy alone. He isn’t asking anyone else to wear the eyeblack. It is his face and his right to express his belief in God. As far as all the foolish comments about an atheist or follower of another religion being lambasted if they wore eyeblack, that is just weak. Seriously, can’t you come up with a better argument than that. There would probably be less discussion in that circumstance because we have become a lame society that walks on eggshells to cater to all, EXCEPT Christians.
In return for his moronic gesture of allegiance to the mighty invisible sky king, he was blessed with sufficient tears to wash away the evidence of his stupidity.
omg its amazing celebrities can show christianity and not be ashamed. i do the same thing
I think its pretty cool he does it! As a Canes fan I Hate the GATORS and Tebow as a player! Might as well get ready to play LB in the NFL cause he not making it as a QB! As a huaman outside of football GREAT Guy!
I am a marathon runner, and thinking about Phil 4:13 often gets me through difficult races. When I mention this to other runners, then it frequently motivates them as well. It also helps me get through other aspects of my life. Try it and it might work for you.
Heb 12.1 – “. . . let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”, inspires me as well.
Playing a game like football or running a marathon are pretty easy compared with the trials and tribulations that many have suffered over the years.
After St. Denis’s head was chopped off, he is said to have picked it up and walked six miles. As they say, “The distance doesn’t matter; it is only the first step that is most difficult.”
[...] eye black, he did cite the power of his convictions in college football. Typically sporting Phil.4:13 as his eye black message, he decided to change the scripture to John 3:16 for a particularly [...]
Man a lot of you people are so hateful its insane! I think its crazy how judgeMENTAL you can be by saying someone is going to burn in hell when you dont even know them! I have a good feeling most of you crazies w all ur hate are messed up 2! FIGURE IT OUT WEIRDOS
I admire Tim greatly for his work as a servant of God. To all those who view him negatively for his courage, I will pray for. Tim is unashamed of his faith and that is the quality of a true man. For those who say football and faith show no relationship are dead wrong. For without Christ, nothing is possible! I love everything you do Tim!
I love u tim tebow, u hunk of a man!!!!