The Tebowettes Are Back

The Tebowettes are a Youtube group that love to make videos about their favorite Gator, Tim Tebow. They made about 7 videos last year, mostly commenting post-game about Tebow’s performance. Well, they’re back this year for the 2008 season and have already put together a recap video of the Hawaii game. If you don’t mind checking out two cute UF girls talk about Tim Tebow, then you must watch this video.

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Check back tomorrow for my complete Miami game preview.

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6 Responses to “The Tebowettes Are Back”

  1. Mrs.LinzyTebow says:

    the tebowettes? woooowwwww. thats all i can say. the video is kinda boring.

  2. Vince Gagliano says:

    Yeah, they get on my nerves, too. At least we both agree on something.

  3. GatorFan says:

    I actually really enjoy these videos! I thought the YMCA part was pretty funny…

    Kudos to them for cheering on their gator!

  4. LovinTebow says:

    Yeah the YMCA part was hilarious. I hope they keep up on making them!

  5. Vince Gagliano says:

    Don’t get me wrong, I like UF and all, but I thought it was just a tad bit insulting.

    That dance is based on ancient Hawaiian lore. What if somebody insulted the chomp as a clap gone horribly wrong?

  6. GatorFan says:

    Why take it so seriously? I really wouldn’t be insulted if someone made fun of the Gator Chomp….actually i am sure that someone somewhere is right now…

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