If you read this website and know anything about Tim Tebow, then you should know that he is a Christian and very faithful. Tim is now in his junior year at UF and has stayed true to his Christian values throughout the college experience. With all the temptations college brings, this can be a difficult task.
We got a letter from a fan that wants to know how Tim does it. I’d like to encourage the readers here to comment on this post with your advice.
Dear Tim,
I am a freshman at Alabama and I an also a Christian like you. The reason I’m mailing you is because i saw on T.v. where you minister to people in prisons and all over the world. My dilemma is that I am finding very hard to stya on the path God wants me to be on during college. Its not like I party all the time, but its little things like cursing, and not reading my Bible, and not spending time with God that is bringing me down. And I am afraid if I keep going the way I am that I will eventually fall away from the Christian lifestyle all together. My question how do you manage to stay faithful in a college environment that is hostile towards Christians?
If you’d like share a story or send a letter, please contact us.
ohhh yeah thts my boy 4 ya! go timmy baby!!!
Simply by observing from a distance, I’ve noticed that Tim keeps his parents very involved in his life. He seems have a core group that helps keep him on track. Try finding people who will keep you accountable and who will encourage you to do the right thing.
Obviously, that doesn’t keep him from ministering to those whose beliefs may vary from his; however, he sees them as more of a ministry than a group to hang with, and he ministers by being not only a friend but also a leader. His mindset is that of a leader, and suddenly the focus is off of himself but on others. For example, instead of, “Okay, I’ve gotta remember not to curse” it’s “If I say what I want to say, it could really hurt my testimony, and that would be setting a poor example.”
Anyway, just some things I’ve noticed… Also, reading your Bible is a huge help – It creates the fire to keep you going. Just buckle down and do it!
Not only are the best football player ever,you stick with the Holy Bible.Wow your just flat out awesome!!!!!!!
dear tim i am wondering how do you get good grades while busy all the time i am wanting to go to florida and am wondering if yu could give advice?
Last night we watched the BCS championship game and were awed by the performance of the entire team, but especially with Tim Tebow’s performance. My 7 year old son, who is a huge Gators fan, commented on Tebow, and I was amazed by his words. He stated, “Mommy, you know why I like Tim Tebow? Because not only is he a great football player, but because he is a good person. He cares about people. I know that God blessed his heart.”
I thought that was so sweet and I wanted to post it in the hopes that Tim Tebow sees it and realizes what an amazing young man he is. Congratulations Gators!
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