Meyer Wants to take Weight off Tebow’s Shoulders

In a recent article, Florida Gator Coach Urban Meyer talked about relieving some of the pressures off Tim Tebow in the Florida Gator offense. “He was beat up, more so than anybody will ever know because he won’t tell you,” Meyer said. “If you watch that [Georgia] game, he didn’t play like Tim.” In 2007, Tebow did it all. He was the team’s top passers and rusher. He took a beating and even broke his hand in the FSU game.

Urban Meyer plans to use Cam Newton in more offensive plays to help spell Tebow and keep him healthy. Meyer also wants to develop a stronger running game. “I’m hoping Kestahn [Moore] has the kind of year he had in the spring,” Meyer said. “He has to be that guy. You’ve also got [Emmanuel] Moody. I’m hoping we’re more versatile there. I’ll know more as we get closer.

The point is, The Gators have a lot of play-makers now. Their entire offense doesn’t have to revolve entirely on Tim Tebow. They can let him drop back in the pocket and relax when on the field instead of having him worry about carrying the entire team on his shoulders. Although knowing Tim, he’ll want the added weight :-)

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10 Responses to “Meyer Wants to take Weight off Tebow’s Shoulders”

  1. Mrs.LinzyTebow says:

    well thats good dat hes trying 2 help Timmy become even just letting Cam come in..cause i dnt want my Timmy hurt..cause i want and i knw dat he wants 2 beat Georgia (dats wht he said was the game hes lookin most foward 2) but also go 2 do a SEC Championship, adn then move on to another National Championship in Miami!! at least i think thats where it is..o btw Timmy is an amazing hugger!!!!!!! haha

  2. V. O'Nailgag says:

    Bot uf Timmy spinds les tim on de fild, he’s a’int doin as much amazin stufs, N hel wast uh gud chince 2 b mor ofe a hero.

    Hel git dat titul n Maimi al wright – wit de Phins wit de En Eff Ul.

  3. Josh says:

    what the heck? I have no idea what that says but O’nailgag says gagliano backwards so I have an idea as to who wrote it. whats up vince? Oh yeah, and to comment on the story, This will definitely insure he’ll be in good health so we can kick the crap out of the georgia poodles.

  4. Vinchenzo Aggonali says:

    Eh, my friend, injuries and winning championships are an inexact science.

    Joshua, my friend, football is a very different animal from basketball. In basketball, signing a Tim Tebow or a LeBron James can account for one-fifth of your offense and one-fifth of your defense.

    Florida needs much more than Tebow and Harvin alone, I sure hope Coach Meyer did his homework with this, the first team he’s ever coach with 4 of his recruiting classes.

    As for injuries, first off, there’s no telling if, when, and how often Mr. Tebow will deviate from the gameplan. It may end up better for the team, but he could pay for it.

    Besides, there’s still no guarantee that he’ll walk away scot-free. There’s going to be less of a risk than before, but he could still end up with a frightening array of injuries out there on the field.

    Last but not least, note that Tebow and Newton share similar skill sets as far as their spread characteristic are concerned. Florida won at title with complementary QBs, and, as previously mentioned, there’s no telling when Tim is going to take the burden on himself.

    By the way, I wouldn’t pencil in the “W” against Georgia just yet. They’re near the top of the preseason standings for a reason. Besides, weren’t Florida fans saying the same things last year?

  5. Josh says:

    thats true vince and I’m sure tebow might take a few bruises or two because newton is not the most talented qb I’ve ever seen but luckilly Brantley (I think that’s his name) who is a freshmen is more of a pocket passer and is, dare I say it?… more accurate than tebow. so I think he might actually take more snaps than newton as tebows understudy. so I think we do have complimenting QBs this year but the roles are reversed from the chris leak year where the understudy was a runner.

    Plus we have an amazing running back (rainey) who had better be the starter instead of moore because you just can’t trust moore to hold on to a football without fumbling it in key situations.

    And I know that the win against geargia is going to have to be earned and fought hard for but If our defense can hold that beast of a man moreno for just a few drives I really don’t think that georgia’s defense and special teams can defend against the speed of harvin and rainey.( Both run a 4.2 or 4.3 forty), the agility and elusiveness of brandon james on kick returns, the power and arm of tebow, the amazing hands of louis murphy, and the also and even more amazing hands of ingrim at tight end.

    our offense is stacked but out defense is still kind of young, but experienced enough to hold an offense for a couple of important drives. hopefully spikes can lead the defense to a few key stops. If tennesse and south carolina can beat them, both of whom we destroyed, than we definitely can as long as our playmakers stay healthy. The florida/ georgia game will be one of the if not the biggest game of the year in my books and will most likely decide the SEC and national championship contenders.

  6. Mrs.LinzyTebow says:

    yea John Brantley..number 12 frm Trinty Ocala (dudes i knw a lot of my gator facts..and im only 13.) haha

  7. Mrs.LinzyTebow says:

    yea..but Georgia is going 2 b a huggeee game..but i think da LSU is going 2 b pretty big 2..cause we r goin 2 need some floss 2 get da remains of tiger out of our teeth! haha i just thought of dat! but yea..stupid Georgia pomerians (lil shrimpy dogs) and LSU house cats (lil shrimpy cats) haha!

  8. Josh says:

    Wow, I just remembered how much I want football season to start. I can’t wait until we get our revenge on those mutts for that little dance they had in the endzone. No one disrespects the gators like that and gets away with it. Also, Hey Linzy, are you from jacksonville or anywhere close to there ? because Timmy goes to my church here which is called First Baptist and my brother shook his hand. I was kind of mad because I was sick that day so I didn’t go.

  9. wade lamb says:

    hey Tim me and my dad loves the the gaters and my names is wade so is my dad name i hope you git better

  10. wade lamb says:

    oh yea i know you are going to kill g.a on oct. 30 good luck

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