Comments on: What Can’t Tim Tebow Do? Tim Tebow Denver Broncos - Tim Tebow Fans Thu, 09 Dec 2010 01:51:56 -0500 hourly 1 By: tim tebow | Google Trends News tim tebow | Google Trends News Wed, 10 Sep 2008 13:17:26 +0000 [...] QB that had …Nation Of Islam Sportsblog -|||What Can’t Tim Tebow Do?We had heard rumors of Tim Tebow assisting in circumcisions last week, but today was the first time [...] [...] QB that had …Nation Of Islam Sportsblog –|||What Can’t Tim Tebow Do?We had heard rumors of Tim Tebow assisting in circumcisions last week, but today was the first time [...]

By: Mrs.LinzyTebow Mrs.LinzyTebow Fri, 09 May 2008 20:16:11 +0000 every1...timmy is da most amazing man dat ever walked dis planet (well except Jesus Christ of course)Timmy is soo hott and is da greatest quarterback adn role model a girl could ask for!!!!!! I LOVE YOU TIMMY!!!!!~Linzy! every1…timmy is da most amazing man dat ever walked dis planet (well except Jesus Christ of course)Timmy is soo hott and is da greatest quarterback adn role model a girl could ask for!!!!!! I LOVE YOU TIMMY!!!!!~Linzy!

By: MrsTebow MrsTebow Tue, 06 May 2008 20:57:08 +0000 How can you not love this man? He can do ANYTHING! He is a perfect example of Matthew 19:26 (With God, all things are possible.). He's a great role model and one heck of a quarterback. I How can you not love this man? He can do ANYTHING! He is a perfect example of Matthew 19:26 (With God, all things are possible.). He’s a great role model and one heck of a quarterback. I

By: Buck Daniel Buck Daniel Tue, 06 May 2008 18:06:05 +0000 The way he lives his life is an inspiration. I think the fact that he visits prisons and speaks to hundreds of prisoners at a time about his faith and life is awesome. The circumcision thing was hilarious! "I'm not a doctor, but I play one in the Phillipines!" The way he lives his life is an inspiration. I think the fact that he visits prisons and speaks to hundreds of prisoners at a time about his faith and life is awesome.

The circumcision thing was hilarious! “I’m not a doctor, but I play one in the Phillipines!”
