Can Tim Tebow Lower Gas Prices?

Tebowmaniacs, myself included, worship the ground Tim Tebow walks on. The man can’t do anything wrong in our eyes. His tears can cure cancer (too bad he never cries) and he kills terrorists for Show and Tell. But how would he fair tackling some of today’s biggest issues?

If Tebow actually drove a car (I heard he gets around by flying), he could lower all our gas prices? Tebow can drill for oil in the Alaskan wildlife forests and can open new refineries in the Gulf of Mexico.

Tim Tebow can solve the United State border issues by stiff arming every illegal immigrant that crosses the border.

The United States should start printing new money with Tim Tebow’s face on the bill. New Tebow dollars would surely get the economy back on it’s feet.

If only Tebow were so tied up with making A’s in school and participating in football practice, he would have the time to help save our country. Until then, we’ll just have to be happy with what we can get…. a badass QB.

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2 Responses to “Can Tim Tebow Lower Gas Prices?”

  1. Mrs.LinzyTebow says:

    dude i gota question..r u lyk gay 4 timmy?

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