A lot of people visit this Tim Tebow website because we not only provide you with stats, pictures, videos and other fan materials, but we also post almost everyday about Tim Tebow and the stories around him. Over the past two months, we’ve shared several inspirational stories from fans who are inspired by Timmy on a daily basis. Today we share another one.

My sister and I are homeschoolers and Gator fans (of course!). My sister is twelve years old and a sweet little thing. She looks up to Tim so much! She says she wants to live on a farm when she grows up, and she also went out and bought her own football not too long ago! Fortunately, she hasn’t resolved to join the Gator football team (but I wouldn’t put it past her)!

She constantly seeks to do what is right no matter what and, often, gives herself and me “pep talks” reminding us that we aren’t the only ones trying to do what is right… Tim Tebow is too!

I really appreciate his character and integrity. -It’s so encouraging! And I am thankful my little sister can see someone who isn’t letting the fame and glory go to his head. Instead, he’s using it to influence others to do what’s right. - And it’s obviously working! :) Thanks, Tim!

If you would like to share a Tim Tebow story with all his fans, we would be glad to post it. Simply contact us and we’d be glad to spread the word!